Research Articles
Morgan AM,* Alves ND*, Stevens GS, Yeasmin TT, Mackay A, Power S, Sargin D, Hanna C, Adib A, Ziolkowski-Blake A, Lambe EV, Ansorge MS (2024) Medial prefrontal cortex serotonin input regulates cognitive flexibility in mice. BioxRiv (*equal contributors);​​​​
Featured publications:
Alves ND (2022) Editorial: Neural Plasticity and Behavioral Responses to Adversity. Front. Behav. Neurosci, 19:969371 (*equal contributors);
Loureiro-Campos E, Mateus-Pinheiro A, Patrício P, Soares-Cunha C, Silva JM, Sardinha VM, Mendes-Pinheiro B, Silveira-Rosa T, Domingues AV, Rodrigues AJ, Oliveira JF, Sousa N, Alves ND*, Pinto L* (2021) Constitutive deficiency of the neurogenic hippocampal modulator AP2y promotes anxiety-like behavior and cumulative deficits in mice from juvenile to adult periods. eLife, 10:e70685 (*equal contributors);
Machado-Santos AR*, Alves ND*, Araújo B, Correia JS, Patrício P, Mateus-Pinheiro A, Loureiro-Campos E, Bessa JM, Sousa N, Pinto L. (2019) Astrocytic plasticity at the dorsal dentate gyrus on an animal model of recurrent depression. Neuroscience. 454(1), 94-104, (*equal contributors);
Mateus-Pinheiro A*, Alves ND*, Sousa N, Pinto L. (2018) AP2γ, a new player on Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis regulation. J Exp Neurosci, 12. (*equal contributors);
Alves ND*, Patrício P*, Correia JS, Mateus-Pinheiro A, Machado-Santos AR, Loureiro-Campos E, Morais M, Bessa JM, Sousa N, Pinto L. (2018) Chronic stress targets adult neurogenesis preferentially in the suprapyramidal blade of the rat dorsal dentate gyrus. Brain Struct Funct, 223(1), 415-428. (*equal contributors);
Alves ND, Correia JS, Patrício P, Mateus-Pinheiro A, Machado-Santos AR, Loureiro-Campos E, Morais M, Bessa JM, Sousa N, Pinto L. (2017) Adult hippocampal neuroplasticity triggers susceptibility to recurrent depression. Transl Psychiatry, 7(3), e1058;
Mateus-Pinheiro A*, Alves ND*, Patricio P, Machado-Santos AR, Loureiro-Campos E, Silva JM, Sardinha VM, Reis, J, Schorle H, Oliveira JF, Ninkovic J, Sousa N, Pinto L. (2017) AP2γ controls adult hippocampal neurogenesis and modulates cognitive, but not anxiety or depressive-like behavior. Mol Psychiatry, 22(12), 1725-1734 – selected for the issue cover image and as featured article (*equal contributors);
Other publications:
Martins-Macedo J, Araújo B, Anjo SI, Silveira-Rosa T, Patrício P, Alves ND, Silva JM, Teixeira FG, Manadas B, Rodrigues AJ, Lepore AC, Salgado AJ, Gomes ED, Pinto L. (2024) Glial-Restricted Precursors stimulate endogenous cytogenesis and effectively recover emotional deficits in a model of cytogenesis ablation. Molecular Psychiatry;
Martins-Macedo J*, Mateus-Pinheiro A*, Alves C, Veloso F, Gomes ED, Ribeiro I, Correia JS, Silveira-Rosa T, Alves ND, Rodrigues AJ, Bessa JM, Sousa N, Oliveira JF, Patrício P*, Pinto L* (2023) StressMatic: A novel automated system to induce depressive- and anxiety-like phenotype in rats. Cells, 12(3), 381 (*equal contributors);
Antunes C, Da Silva JD, Guerra-Gomes S, Alves ND, Ferreira F, Loureiro-Campos E, Branco MR, Sousa N, Reik Pinto L, Marques CJ (2022) Tet3 deletion in adult brain neurons of female mice results in anxiety-like behavior and cognitive impairments, Molecular Neurobiology, 59(8), 4892-4901;
Machado-Santos AR*, Loureiro-Campos E*, Patricio P, Araújo B, Alves ND, Mateus-Pinheiro A, Correia JS, Morais M, Bessa JM, Sousa N, Rodrigues AJ, Oliveira J*, Pinto L* (2022) Beyond new neurons in the adult hippocampus: Imipramine acts as a pro-astrogliogenic factor and rescues cognitive impairments induced by stress exposure, Cells, 11(3), 390 (*equal contributors);
Silveira-Rosa T, Mateus-Pinheiro A, Correia JS, Silva JM, Martins-Macedo J, Araújo B, Machado-Santos AR, Alves ND, Silva M, Loureiro-Campos E, Sotiropoulos I, Bessa JM, Rodrigues AJ, Sousa N, Patricio P, Pinto L (2021) Suppression of adult cytogenesis in the rat brain leads to sex-differentiated disruption of the HPA axis activity, Cell Proliferation;
Patricio P, Mateus-Pinheiro A, Machado-Santos AR, Alves ND, Correia JM, Morais M, Bessa JM, Rodrigues AJ, Oliveira JF, Sousa N, Pinto L (2021) Cell Cycle Regulation of Hippocampal Progenitor Cells in Experimental Models of Depression and after Treatment with Fluoxetine, Int. J. Mol. Sci.;
Mateus-Pinheiro A*, Patricio P*, Alves ND, Martins-Macedo J, Caetano I, Silveira-Rosa T, Araújo B, Mateus-Pinheiro M, Correia J, Sardinha VM, Loureiro-Campos E, Rodrigues AJ, Oliveira JF, Bessa JM, Sousa N, Pinto L. (2021) Hippocampal cytogenesis abrogation impairs inter-regional communications between the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex and promotes the time-dependent manifestation of emotional and cognitive deficits, Mol Psychiatry, (*equal contributors);
Antunes C, Da Silva JD, Guerra-Gomes S, Alves ND, Ferreira F, Loureiro-Campos E, Branco MR, Sousa N, Reik W, Pinto L, Marques J (2021) Tet3 ablation in adult brain neurons increases anxiety-like behavior 2 and regulates cognitive function in mice. Mol Psychiatry, 26(5), 1445-1457 - ;
Patrício P, Mateus-Pinheiro A, Alves ND, Morais M, Bessa JM, Sousa N, Pinto L (2020) miR-409 and miR-411 modulation in the adult brain of a rat model of depression and after fluoxetine treatment. Front Behav Neurosci, 14:136;
Duarte J, Gaspar R, Caetano L, Patrício P, Soares-Cunha C, Mateus-Pinheiro A, Alves ND, Machado-Santos AR, Ferreira SG, Sardinha VM, Oliveira JF, Sousa N, Cunha RA, Ambrósio AF, Rodrigues AJ, Pinto L, Gomes CA (2019) Region-specific control of microglia by adenosine A2A receptors: uncoupling anxiety and associated cognitive deficits in female rats. Glia, 67(1);
Caetano L*, Pinheiro H*, Patrício P, Mateus-Pinheiro A, Alves ND, Henriques SN, Baptista FI, Cunha C, Machado-Santos AR, Ferreira SG, Sardinha VM, Oliveira JF, Ambrósio AF, Sousa N, Cunha RA, Rodrigues AJ, Pinto L#, Gomes CA# (2017) Adenosine A2A receptor regulation of microglia morphologic remodelling - gender bias in physiology and in a model of chronic anxiety. Mol Psychiatry, 22(7), 1035–1043. (*/# equal contributors);​
Morais M, Patrício P, Mateus-Pinheiro A, Alves ND, Machado-Santos AR, Correia JS, Pereira J, Pinto L, Sousa N, Bessa JM (2017) The modulation of adult neuroplasticity is involved in the mood improving actions of atypical antipsychotics in an animal model of depression. Transl Psychiatry, 7(6), 21146;
Félix L, Oliveira MM, Videira R, Maciel E, Alves ND, Nunes, FM, Alves A, Almeida JM, Domingues MRM, Peixoto FP (2016) Carvedilol exacerbate gentamicin-induced kidney mitochondrial alterations in adult rat. Exp Toxicol Pathol, 69(2), 83-92;
Patrício P, Mateus-Pinheiro A, Irmler M, Alves ND, Machado-Santos AR, Morais M, Correia JS, Korostynski M, Piechota M, Stoffel R, Beckers J, Bessa JM, Almeida OF, Sousa N, Pinto L (2015) Differential and Converging Molecular Mechanisms of Antidepressants' Action in the Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus. Neuropsychopharmacology, 40(2), 338-49;
Mateus-Pinheiro A*, Patrício P*, Alves ND, Machado-Santos AR, Morais M, Bessa JM, Sousa N, Pinto L. (2014) The Sweet Drive Test: Refining phenotypic characterization of anhedonic behavior in rodents. Front Behav Neurosci, 8, 74 (*equal contributors);
Mateus-Pinheiro A*, Pinto L*, Bessa JM, Morais M, Alves ND, Monteiro S, Patrício P, Almeida OF, Sousa N, (2013) Sustained remission from depressive-like behavior depends on hippocampal neurogenesis. Transl Psychiatry, 3, e210 (*equal contributors);